Privacy policy

Let us explain why, where and how the personal data of all registered buyers / users are stored on our website. This privacy policy applies to and all its subdomains. For successful and proper processing of the orders, the information we need during registration and / or purchase are:
-name and surname
-e-mail address
-delivery address -telephone
contact number

With the help of the mentioned data we can deliver the desired products, as well as inform the customers / buyers about the current status of the order and about the campaigns that are currently active. We, Atomem DOO Skopje, as Controller, are committed to protecting the privacy of all our customers. When registering and / or purchasing, we collect only the necessary basic data for the users / buyers and the data necessary for the work and informing the users in accordance with the good business practice and the provision of quality service. We analyze and process this data in order to enable our customers / customers to easily use and purchase. Our users always have the opportunity to change, update and correct their data as well as unsubscribe from the mailing list. All data collected is stored with us, strictly and are available only to employees whose regular work activity is related to their processing (such as order registration, delivery…) and will not be used for any other purpose or sold or delivered to third parties other than the competent authorities of the manner determined by the legal regulations of the Republic of Northern Macedonia. Personal data are stored until the users of the website withdraw their consent. also uses so-called “cookies” which by definition are used to help users to adapt the use of the Internet to their needs. “Cookies” are small text files that are stored in the user’s device when they visit the website, store information about the actions of users in the web browser. They are only given to users in a way that saves you time when you visit the same page again and does not need to be re-posted. Some of the cookies are necessary for the functioning of the site, and some for the collection of statistical data. All the information that the cookies write is in order to optimize and improve the functionality of the website.

The user has the right at any time to submit a request to the Agency for Personal Data Protection if he considers that the processing of his personal data violates the provisions of the Law on Personal Data Protection. Every user / buyer of during registration and / or purchase declares that he is familiar with our Privacy Policy and agrees with the stated terms of use.


Kristijan Mitrovski

Phone number: 075 326 131

e-mail: [email protected]



EDB: 4030993104028

e-mail: [email protected]

Str. Petre Georgiev 114 Kr.1, Municipality of Centar, Republic of Northern Macedonia

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